
in Springfield, Nixa, Ozark & Republic, Missouri

what are


Berms are another option to redirect water away from your home. Where a Swale is a concaved area, a berm is the opposite. It is an elevated area strategically created in the yard to redirect run-off water from flowing toward your home’s foundation. It is often used in agricultural land to keep low-lying areas from flooding. If you have a lower elevation yard than neighbors, you may be getting their run-off water in your yard. If that is the case, a berm is an excellent way to prevent excess water from reaching your home. Similar to swales, these elevated areas can be landscaped to look very pleasing. At times the berm incline in a yard is so slight that it may be hard to detect by the naked eye. In many cases, it doesn’t take much to be effective, but the higher berms are considered exceptional landscaping opportunities when completed.

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What are 


A Swale is a drainage system that diverts water from reaching your home’s foundation. They are gently sloped, and contoured ditches strategically dug into your yard.

Occasionally our customers choose to surround the swale with plants and other greenery to make it more aesthetically pleasing to the eye and to help slow down the flow of water. Often the swale is so shallow that once new grass is established, it’s hardly noticeable at all.

Another option is to install rock gardens or Dry Creek Beds in these areas. This is an equally effective drainage solution that can also be an attractive landscape feature.

We know that no one wants to spend money on water issues…that’s why we offer financing.
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2131 West Republic Road, Suite 345
Springfield, Missouri 65807

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